Thursday, April 21, 2016

Week 8:Tech'ing up a Lesson" using the SAMR Model

    Image result for samr model

    SAMR Definition 

    SAMR is a model designed to help educators infuse technology into teaching and learning. Popularized by Dr. Ruben Puentedura, the model supports and enables teachers to design, develop, and infuse digital learning experiences that utilize technology.
    Reason for SAMR
     "Our classrooms must grow and evolve to meet the fluctuating needs of our students and take advantage of the ever-changing array of technological tools." Jennie Magiera
    So many teachers complain that the technology in their classrooms are a waste of money (IWBs, tablets, etc.) I see them as great tools that really could have "No child left behind." 
    With worksheets, there isn't any push for the smarter kids and no help for the kids who need extra attention.  Imagine this future classroom... Instead of Jose flying through his homework in five minutes because it comes easier to him, he could now have homework that creates harder problems based on his level of understanding. Or Suzi who doesn't get the concept, and needs to stay at the same level and get a review of the concept. IPads and other technologies. The smarter students will be learning to their level. The students that need the extra help won't be lost along the way and the average student can stay ahead of the learning standards. Teachers will now have more time to have group settings, less interruptions, and our educated children can once again compete with China and get better jobs back into this country. Teachers... embrace change instead of fighting it. It's already happening
    Step for using SAMR in classrooms
  1. Break down to rebuild. 
  2. Redefine with a goal in mind. 
  3. Get more app for your money. 
  4. Embrace failure.
  5. Enjoy the results, reflect towards the future.

Benefits of SAMR
  • It gives educators who are new to technology integration a tangible model that is relatively easy to understand. There isn’t a lot of pedagogical lingo, and it comes with a nice visual (see below). 
  • It provides an excellent opportunity to NOT talk about technology.
  • Then we started to see how different aspects of the overall process could be supported both by iPads and  transforming the associated tasks via SAMR. In the path to Redefinition, the technology could serve the purpose of a lively sketchbook capturing pieces along the path to the creation of a final product.
Disadvantage of SAMR
  • Problems occur,when educators instinctively attempt to the climb the hierarchical ladder.
  • The stigma that you can “fall off the SAMR ladder."
  •  Teachers become paralyzed by the notion that everything has to be at the Redefinition stage
  • Conflict between the short and long term. By introducing it at the beginning of a 1:1 mobile device rollout (which admittedly isn’t what it was actually designed for), it wrongly focuses the attention of teachers on how they can utilise the technology to adapt individual tasks in order to reach the ‘redefinition’ stage.
SAMR is NOT about Technology
The assertion that technology is not- and should not be  the focus when looking at the SAMR model, echoes the point that Dr. Puentedura articulated during his Boston keynote – the focus is on tasks and process, not technology. In fact, technology just helps the tasks along their way. As Richard illustrates in his post: how are we preparing students as learners in a world without an all-knowing teacher?

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