Monday, May 16, 2016

Personal Learning Network



My personal learning network is my informal learning network that consists of 
the people/organization I have interacted with and derives knowledge and thus created my personal learning environment. In my PLN, I represent the connections I have with other people/organization that results in some type of learning because of the connection with the specific intent of education or movement/fitness as they relate to children.  Overall,the purpose of my personal learning networks is to represent a visual map of those people/organizations that share a close association with the main concept of education and movement/kinesiology/fitness that relates to children/kids in learning environments.
My online personal learning network purpose is to help me better understand, learn, and engage about my experiences and connections between my teaching and movement/ fitness/kinesthetic involvement.   The movement-based learning techniques, strategies, and style that utilize new, user-centered technologies that aid in the building of awareness, regulation, and mastery in order to benefit student’s ability to success within new and emerging territories of the modern world. Through incorporating movement and kinesthetic studies, groupings of students and learning communities that can find traditional learning strategies difficult dues to learning disabilities, language barriers, and/or the attention span.  The use of movement would provide learning opportunities to younger students as a whole, where the younger the student is the less there attention span tends to be, so that the nature of children is addressed and utilize as a strength in learning rather then a hindrance.  Other groups of students that struggle within the classroom and cannot learn through visual or auditory means due to learning disabilities or language barriers can also use movement in order to draw connections and help them retain information through ways that they can understand and relate to. 

Teaching/Educational website:

Physical Fitness/ Exercise:

Children Activities/Kid Themed


Blogs/Personal Websites
Art Educators

Fitness Instructors/Yoga Instructors

Children’s Fitness Instructors

Social Networks





Emails/Direct Contact Info

The way I used my PLN was to  visualize the connections that I made between movement/kinesiology and education in order to present learning linked to physical engagement.  In order to represent these connections I used blogs, social media such as Twitter, and personal emails as part of my  PLN to start out and begin to structure my PLN.  Beginning in January of 2010, I began my teaching venture and started to develop my network by talking and engaging with other teachers, I also started building a list of interesting sites that I came across, as well as whenever I could I posted on social networking sites about unique/interesting activities, and MY PLN SLOWLY STARTED TO BUILD!

Once my PLN was fairly structured, it helped to also lay the foundations for my resume and CV by developing my references and pervious experiences in an ordered and relevant manner and helped to visualize my network of connections.  It is how I plan on using my PLN in the future and be able to follow along the development of my teaching and movement activities.  
What I learned from this Cyber-pedagogy

In the cyber-pedagogy class I learned a survey of technologies that could be used not only in an art classroom but also be adapted in different ways through out any general education class.  The most influence thing I learned in the class is tat technology is a tool that can enhance any learning activity and that technology should be integrated throughout a curriculum.  So instead of studying technology like a subject, that is either the main focus of a semester or even just one lesson, it should be thought of as a tool that is used in teaching.  While this class of cyber-pedagogy did the exact opposite and taught technology as a subject, I think the class showed how to used different aspects of technology as a tool within the classroom.  From stop-animation to 3D printing to different forms of integrated learning, this class provided different tools to enhance any learning situation.  Therefore the biggest take-away from this class is the use of technology as something used throughout my teaching rather then for example studying technology as the subject of a week long lesson.

The technology that provided the best example of using technology as tool to enhance learning of a different subject was the creating of interactive interface because it could be used by a wide range of school-aged students to learn a wide range of subject through a  wide range of interpretations of ideas. There are three reasons why I think this best example of learning; adaptability, usability, and diversity.  
1. This first reason is adaptability of this technology. Creating interactive interfaces is adaptable in different ways from the way the interface is made to the way it is used.  The interactive interface can be created using a combination of physical programs along with computer programs in order to develop a style of learning that can be half technology and half traditional learning based.  The example in class of using the Makey-Makey was a way to develop a program that used a computer program that effected a physical object in the form of our cardboard creations.  This interface is also adaptable in its final product because this interface allows for the development of final projects that have specific purposes, or are just for fun. 
2. The next reason  is the usability of this technology.  This refers to the development of this technology ability to be used by a range of school-aged students as well as being used in different ways.   This means thats this can be used by students as young as KG all the way up to high school because they are able to create interfaces based on their ability .  It also means that students can create interfaces that have different uses based on how/why their interfaces are being used.                               
3. The last reason in diversity.  This is a combination of the previous two sections as well as the ability of this interface to reach a diverse range of students as well as fit a range of subjects.  Creating interactive interfaces is able to addresses students from all different backgrounds as they are able to apply their own personal perspectives in order to create unique interfaces.  This can also refer to the diverse range of integratabtle options for this technology.  

My future interests 

In thinking about the future, and how I would use technology for my own interests would have both personal and professional applications.  This is because I had not considered using technology in my future.  This is before this class I had not thought of technology as tools that enhance learning instead viewed it as the way it was taught in school, a week-long subject that we learned in science.  The way technology was explained in school was like a history class, where different events were explained like a historical time-line of important technological events. 

The first interest of using technology is personal by incorporating it into my artistic practice as well as my social networking and online interactions. These are all incorporated together to be used in different ways I had not considered before.  One example is works of art that are  created online and then sent to different friends to added their own touches.

The second interest for using technology is to incorporate it into my practices as educator and physical fitness instructor.  I can use technology to develop advertising and marketing information to help promote my different businesses &  practices.  

How I imagine planning and using Technology in your future classroom

Building on the final interest from the previous section, I imagine using technology to further the student's understanding in the classroom. There are two different ways I would use technology in the classroom room.  I would use technology as a rotating topic as well as a permanent area of study.  Beginning the permanent area of study, I would set up a technology corner in my room with different technology oriented projects such as stop-motion photography.   The other changing and rotating topics within technology can even be used with technology itself such as reading instructional and tutorials on-line in order to learn new techniques and processes.                      l                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Week 9: 3D Technologies

3D Technologies
Today we ill explore the Digital Manufacturing Revolution and Maker Culture Adoption in Education. Children love to explore and try new things, but many are afraid to try, they are scared of failure. 3D technologies removes that fear, instead it embodies them with confidence to venture into the unknown. Additive manufacturing has existed for an excess of 25 years, but is still an emerging technology in the classroom. Educators and students a like an exploring the different ways that 3D printers can influence and enhance the learning in the classroom.  
3D scanning with a camera
We'll explore a workflow to create a digital 3D scan and turn it into a 3D printed replica. We'll use a free app from Autodesk called 123D Catch to capture a 3D scan with a smart phone or a digital camera. After scanning, we'll edit and repair the file using a free program called MeshMixer. Then, we'll learn how to 3D print a copy on a desktop 3D printer.Or use a 3D printing service like Shapeways. This process is a lot of fun. I'll be scanning this decorative lion head as our example but you can scan a wide variety of objects. It's kind of amazing that all you need to create a 3D scan is the device you probably already have in your pocket. So let's get started.Did you know you have a 3D scanner in your pocket? With a smartphone or digital camera, you can transform photos into three-dimensional scans. This course shows you how to photograph an object and process it with the free 123D Catch app, repair your scan with Meshmixer, and send it to a desktop 3D printer like a MakerBot Replicator or an online printing service like Shapeways.
Steps for Scanning with a Camera
  • Choosing the right subject
  • Taking photos
  • Tips for capturing a great scan
  • Processing your scan with 123D Catch
  • Repairing a scan with Meshmixer
  • Touching up UV maps with Photoshop
  • Preparing a file for 3D printing
  • Uploading files to Shapeways for printing

123D APP

Turn ordinary photos into extraordinary 3D models. Capture places, people and things in 3D using your Windows Phone or Mobile device, iPhone, iPad, Android device, or anycamera. Share your catches, or 3D print a real object!

Step 1
Step 2

Step 3

3D Printing


“3D printing allows for more authentic exploration of objects that may not be readily available to education institutions, including animal anatomies and toxic materials. The exploration of 3D printing, from design to production, as well as demonstrations and participatory access, can open up new possibilities for learning activities.”

3D printing in education is unique compared to other technologies. 3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file.The mindset of the student becomes one where it is okay to fail and encourages experimentation in their learning.The iterative process inherent with 3D printers encourages making improvements are flaws and weaknesses are found. Online communities work together in this way, someone creates a model to solve a problem then when they upload it any number of people can view it and offer their suggestions for improvement. In the same way students can use this ‘Internet of things’ to find solutions that are similar to their problems, download and modify them for the particular issue they are aiming to address. Much like that of open source software.

 Why Use 3D Printing in the Classroom?

3D printing will revolutionize learning because it lends itself to low-risk, low-cost innovation. Since ideas can materialize within minutes, students can see their work as tangible products. When students have access to 3D printing, abstract concepts in science and mathematics have the potential to be transformed into concrete (plastic) visuals.
Students will begin to see objects differently — “That’s cool! I want to buy that.” becomes “That’s cool, but I can design that better.” Students will be transformed from passive consumers of goods to actively-engaged inventors who are in control of their own learning. 3D printing also allows students to interact with a global network of creators. Designers around the world upload files to be shared with other printing enthusiasts, and students will be able to contribute to this exchange.
3D printing has opened the door to serious conversations about education. My students have incredible ideas! As we discussed the possibilities for printing in my classroom, they began to consider how this might apply to their education. My students expressed a desire to learn math as it applies to computer programing, building websites, coding and designing, in addition to creating apps for smartphones and programing robots.
They showed interest in real-life applications for investing, banking, loans, and the financial aspects of business, such as credit, buying a house, and financial responsibility. They wish to create innovative and inventive products for interior design, entrepreneurship, and graphic design. We also discussed alternative learning environments, the need for collaboration, and project-based learning. Students agreed that they want their learning to be applicable, specialized and meaningful.

3D Printing Steps

Not all 3D printers use the same technology. There are several ways to print and all those available are additive, differing mainly in the way layers are build to create the final object.
Some methods use melting or softening material to produce the layers. Selective laser sintering (SLS) and fused deposition modeling (FDM) are the most common technologies using this way of printing. Another method of printing is when we talk about curing a photo-reactive resin with a UV laser or another similar power source one layer at a time. The most common technology using this method is called stereolithography (SLA).
  1. It all starts with making a virtual design of the object you want to create. This virtual design is made in a CAD (Computer Aided Design) file using a 3D modeling program (for the creation of a totally new object) or with the use of a 3D scanner (to copy an existing object). A 3D scanner makes a 3D digital copy of an object.
  2. 3d scanners use different technologies to generate a 3d model such as time-of-flight, structured / modulated light, volumetric scanning and many more.
  3. Recently, many IT companies like Microsoft and Google enabled their hardware to perform 3d scanning, a great example is Microsoft’s Kinect. This is a clear sign that future hand-held devices like smartphones will have integrated 3d scanners. Digitizing real objects into 3d models will become as easy as taking a picture. Prices of 3d scanners range from very expensive professional industrial devices to 30 USD DIY devices anyone can make at home.
  4. To prepare a digital file for printing, the 3D modeling software “slices” the final model into hundreds or thousands of horizontal layers. When the sliced file is uploaded in a 3D printer, the object can be created layer by layer. The 3D printer reads every slice (or 2D image) and creates the object, blending each layer with hardly any visible sign of the layers, with as a result the three dimensional object.
  5. Create a partnership with a local 3D printing company. Dim3printing agreed to partner with my students and have been a valuable resource in this adventure.
  6. 3D printers use STL files which can be found all over the internet. is a very useful example of a site from which to download files and see the possibilities for your printer